Saturday, January 17, 2009

And now from our nation's capital...

I’ll deliver the second half – the optimistic half – of that climate change post as promised, but first I want to register that I’m here in Washington, which is clearly on the brink of unrestrained, heart-rending, heavenly, ecstatic euphoria. This town is head over heels in love with Barack Obama.

I think this does have something to do with the times, and not just the man, who is remarkable. Our devotion to Obama is heightened by the insecurity we feel about everything else. Many of us feel a sort of gratitude for him, and to him; we’re grateful for this person who makes us feel safe, who makes us feel like he has a plan. But it also occurs to me that this is not necessarily the most democratic of postures. Maybe that’s what the times demand. As a country, we’re poised to give Barack a lot of rope, because the only way to find our way back to solid ground is through the kind of decisive action that democracies aren’t well equipped to deliver in normal times. So it’s good that Obama is so politically strong. But it’s also something of which to stay keenly aware.

Hopefully these next few days will inspire some interesting and/or moving insights, and hopefully I’ll be able to convey a sense of what it’s like to be a part of this amazing moment.

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