Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate Reaction

McCain did much better than I expected. He had some good emotional moments, particularly the whole bracelet moment. More importantly, he kept focusing on ways in which he disagreed with Bush. This will make it harder for Obama to effectively carry out his main plan of attack--that McCain is 4 more years of Bush.

For Obama, he clearly knew his stuff and delivered his ideas well. I think we will have to try to make a greater emotional connection with voters next time around. Less "cerebral," as they say.

All in all, I don't think the first debate changes much. I had hoped that McCain would stumble, but he didn't. Palin, however, could very well deliver an embarrassing performance. We'll find out next Thursday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could someone please count the number of times Obama said to McCain "You're absolutely right." It must be at least 20, maybe 25 if we allow for different wording with the same meaning. Bush/McCain Republican policies have been and are now absolutely [get ready for this...] WRONG. Hello? Hello? Obama, what are you thinking?????